Wear a Damn Mask

If you’re reading this, you probably wear a mask when you’re out in public.  In the age of Covid, this simple act is an effective way to reduce Corona spread.  In case you have friends who do not wear a mask, I’m hoping this post may change their mind.

Federal guidelines for businesses to reopen say that the rate of new cases should be declining for a minimum of two weeks.  That means places like Florida (Corona cases are up 35%) and Georgia (Corona cases are up 23%) are not safe to open.

Chart infections by state.JPG

This is a safe guideline, but it’s a huge blow to our economy.  A lot of small business owners who have busted their tails for decades could lose their businesses.  That is awful.  And anti-maskers have two chief complaints, one being the economy. So if you’re want to do your part for our struggling businesses and economy, Wear a Damn Mask.

The second gripe among anti-maskers is their freedom of choice, feeling somehow suppressed if they are forced to wear a mask. This is about science, not freedom of expression. I’m no constitutional expert, but I’m certain the document does not give citizens the freedom to idiotically endanger the lives of others.

Wearing masks reduces new infections and saves lives. Take a look at how much faster Covid is spreading in states that do not require masks.  As of July 16th, of states where new infections are increasing the fastest, only 3 require masks, and those three states only recently required masks. In Montana, Florida and Georgia, new cases are up 53%, 35% and 23% respectively

In states where new infections are mostly flat for the past 2 weeks, masks are required in all but two.  In Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey, new cases are up only 1% in each state.

This is not a hoax.  It sure as hell should not be political- we are talking about American lives and livelihoods.  The bottom line: If you want businesses to reopen and fewer lives to be lost, Wear A Mask!

If the people you love won’t wear a mask, please forward this to them.  And if they’re not persuaded by you or I, maybe they’ll consider what Republican Governor Andy Beshear had to say: “A decision not to wear a mask - you could think that there’s some liberty component, but any of that ends when you put the health and safety of someone else at risk.”


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