To Full Term
A Mother’s Triumph Over Miscarriage
A powerful and empowering memoir of a
woman’s fight to bring her fifth pregnancy
to full term after years of heartbreak and
horrific loss.

The Big Question from the Ohio Senate Primary: What Happens to the Dolan voters?
Putting America First Means Choosing Country Over Party

He’s all about him. Can we make it all about us?
We’ve all been on edge for days. This election is more emotional than any in my lifetime. Forget about the candidates on the ballot. What we’re waiting on is whether our democracy can withstand misinformation and division sewn by the President of the United States, an office that represents the American people- all of them- and staunchly defends the principles of our democracy. It’s the right of the American people to decide who represents our country at the highest levels.

I’m Crying With Chrissy and John
Pregnancy loss is devastating. I felt a depth of hopelessness I’d never known when I delivered twins at 20 weeks. Friends, family- nobody knew what to say. What words could possibly assuage the shattered hope and love and deep connection when a precious little life is no more?
I’m weeping for Chrissy and John, as I wept for my own lost babies. And I applaud Chrissy for sharing her experience. Too many women suffer loss in silence.
Wear a Damn Mask
If you’re reading this, you probably wear a mask when you’re out in public. In the age of Covid, this simple act is an effective way to reduce Corona spread. In case you have friends who do not wear a mask, I’m hoping this post may change their mind.

Amy Schumer Made Me Cry
I have a fantasy that includes Amy Schumer…mind out of the gutter, folks. My fantasy is to watch Trainwreck with my sister and grown daughter. Realize that my middle-aged fantasies aren’t that complex. If I had to choose between this movie with my family or a massage from Brad Pitt, I’d watch the movie. It’s …

Eight million people have PTSD. I am one of them.
Soldiers. First Responders. Warriors. Those are the folks who quickly come to mind when you think about PTSD. It happens when you or someone you love is in imminent danger of serious harm or death. I’m a suburban mom with two awesome kids and a great husband, and I also live with PTSD. The details …

Open Letter to Friends and Family Who Support Trump
Hello. I know we haven’t spoken as much lately, and too many of our conversations have ended in frustration or disappointment. We both have passionate beliefs- something I really love about you. When we disagree, I’m sorry if you feel disrespected in any way. You are my parents. My grandparents. Aunts, Cousins, Uncles. Friends for …

No Precedent for Republicans to Deny Supreme Court Nominee a Hearing
With just 310 days remaining in his term, President Obama has just nominated Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court. Senate Republicans refuse to even vote on his nominee. They would like us to think it’s because he is leaving office in a little over 300 days. They would also like us to think that this …

We Need More Psychiatric Resources in our Public School Systems
A few years ago, my son was bullied in elementary school. His perpetrator, while only in elementary school, seemed to suffer from very obvious mental instability. The kid wouldn’t just tell you he was going to kill you, he would tell you exactly how he would do it (with a knife), and how you would …

To Full Term
A Mother's Triumph Over Miscarriage
A powerful and empowering memoir of a woman's fight to bring her fifth pregnancy to full term after years of heartbreak and horrific loss.