To Full Term
A Mother’s Triumph Over Miscarriage
A powerful and empowering memoir of a
woman’s fight to bring her fifth pregnancy
to full term after years of heartbreak and
horrific loss.

Let’s Regulate How Much Ammunition People Can Buy and Ban Assault Rifles
6,100 rounds. That’s how much ammunition Syed Rizwan Farook amassed for his sinister attack that left 14 dead and another 21 wounded. 6,350 rounds. That’s how many bullets James Holmes purchased before his attack on a Colorado movie theater killing 12 and wounding another 70. And 1,500 rounds were found in Adam Lanza’s home, the …

Does Parenthood Have to be the End for Friendships?
45%. That’s the percentage of women who told Parents magazine that they had fewer friends after becoming a mom. I always notice these types of reports because I had difficulty sustaining important friendships after my daughter was born. A recent NPR show about how friendships change over time had me listening intently. I have been …

Could Our 9/11 Memorial Be Finding More Compassion?
I feel so unsettled today. There’s a deep despair that weighs me down like wet moss. I can’t stop thinking about all the lives so tragically lost fourteen years ago today, on 9/11. I’d like to be able to point to some good that came of such unthinkable devastation, but I can’t. When we suffer …

Why Nurses are Angels on Earth
When I think about gratitude, and what I’m thankful for, nurses quickly come to mind. Nurses are angels on Earth. This revelation first revealed itself years ago, when my daughter was born twelve weeks too early. I sat, terrified, holding this three pound wonder, afraid I might break her with even with the gentlest touch. …

A Place at Every Table: Building Our Children’s Self Esteem
“Children should be seen but not heard” ~Unknown, but definitely someone who my son would drive bonkers I am raising my children to believe they have a place at any proverbial table. I strive for them to have strong self esteem. It’s something I think about a lot. Maybe it’s because I grew up in …

The Fountain of Youth is in Our Minds
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” ~Sophia Loren I remember what it felt like to walk into a room and see …

To Full Term
A Mother's Triumph Over Miscarriage
A powerful and empowering memoir of a woman's fight to bring her fifth pregnancy to full term after years of heartbreak and horrific loss.